The space that you live on can be very confusing. If you own property, there are issues that arise with neighbors, additions, buildings, etc. A land surveyor can come in and determine what is actually yours on your property. Don’t ever assume that everything on your property is something that you own.
Homeowners tend to add onto their homes, build fences, put up a brush line without evening know if it’s technically on their property. Many people assume they are putting additions on their property, when in reality, they aren’t.
A Boundary Survey is a Must
A boundary survey is a process that is conducted by professional land surveyors to determine your property lines and corners of a parcel of land in a deed. It may also show easements and encroachments on the property imposed by regulations. A boundary survey is a must when you need to determine what belongs or is on your property at a specific time. Without a survey, you have the possibility of running into legal and civil issues down the road.
Take a look at your landscape. If you have unwanted fences, sheds, or brush lines that are sitting on your property, it’s recommended for you to obtain a survey before you look to remove or add things to your property.
Never Think You Know What Belongs to You
Never assume that something that is lying on your property is automatically yours. Surveying throughout the years can have its flaws. There are possibilities of mishaps in past surveys, which means that updates for the future are needed to make sure homeowners know what they own and what they’re getting into when adding things to their property. With a professional land surveyor like BLAZE Design, you’ll have the relief of knowing what to do when you want to build an addition, shed, fence, etc. on your land.
If you’re not quite sure what belongs to youon your property, contact BLAZE Design at 802-442-2892 today to see how we can clear up some confusion with your property lines.