Category: Importance of Land Surveying

Land Surveys Determine Cell Tower Location

If you own a company that is going to be building a cell tower sometime soon or if you own property that you’re planning on leasing to a company that is going to build a cell tower, it’s important to have a land survey done first. Specifically, you need to have a comprehensive cell tower… Read more »

The Day to Day of a Land Surveyor

If you are a home or business owner then there is a chance that you have either hired or worked with a land surveyor, but have you ever wondered what they do or how they do it? If you have ever had an interest in this noble profession, then read on and see what it… Read more »

Is the Estate ‘Real’? Why to Survey When Buying or Selling a Home

After enduring some struggles over the course of the last decade, the housing market is in excellent shape right now. In fact, according to one CNBC report that was released at the end of March, the seller’s market is stronger than it has been in years at the moment and many real estate agents are… Read more »

Professional vs. GPS: Why You Need a Pro Surveyor

Most people commonly associate GPS with driving directions. But the truth is that GPS is being used in many different walks of life these days and helping to get jobs done. For example, the surveying industry has started to rely on GPS more and more when it comes to doing things like establishing property lines… Read more »

It’s About Time: A Change to the Second Could Improve Surveys

As the saying goes, time is of the essence. And if you didn’t think time could be any more accurate than the atomic clocks that most digital devices rely on daily, think again. Have you ever thought about how long a second really is? You probably haven’t because it’s here and gone in the blink… Read more »

Becoming a Land Surveyor

In my last post, I discussed the ways that we should be thankful for land surveying. For this post, I would like to focus on some of the pluses of being a land surveyor, how it can bring much joy to your life if you decide to pursue it as a career. Joy. That’s an… Read more »

This Thanksgiving, Be Thankful for Land Surveyors

This Thanksgiving, are you thankful for America? We recently celebrated Veterans Day; of course, you’re thankful for America, but did you know that America wouldn’t be America without the skills and dedication of land surveyors throughout its history?   It’s important to educate the public on the importance of the land surveying industry – why… Read more »

USGS Recruits Citizen Volunteers for National Map Corps

Since its conception in 1879, the U.S Geological Survey has devoted itself to mapping the vast lands that constitute the United States of America. After over a century of survey work, the USGS is still plugging away, using new technologies and techniques to produce more accurate, comprehensive maps of the nation. With over 3 million… Read more »

Wetland Delineation: What It Is and Why It Matters

At Blaze Design, Inc. we do our best to serve society by conducting detailed, accurate land surveys each and every time we’re out in the field. After all, people all over Vermont and New York depend on us to keep their homes clear of flood plains, unstable terrain, and other environmental hazards. Every now and… Read more »

The Importance of Land Surveying Today

Population growth is reaching unprecedented levels across the world. Having breached 7.1 billion, the concentration in world population is centered in the East, such as China and India. Domestically speaking, the population growth is gobbling up residential and commercial land faster than ever.   The population of the US surpassed 300 million for the first… Read more »