Land surveying is done by licensed professionals with experience and training in the field. When a land surveyor comes in to conduct a survey, they may come across errors and past mistakes that they have to research and fix. The resume that BLAZE Design brings to the table is over 30 years of experience and expertise in that matter.
All Information is Subject to Change
It is based on the tax assessor’s opinion of what the property looks like generally and loosely on the deed. Sometimes it is based on previous surveys. The size and dimensions of a parcel is found sometimes on a tax map. Problems arise with tax maps that are outdated and old. Some have to be updated. A homeowner could be paying taxes on property that technically belongs to their neighbors. This can be a problem when a homeowner is trying to build an addition, and a land surveyor comes in to conduct a survey. The land surveyor has to fix this issue before any construction is being done.
Tax Map
A tax map is a map that is drawn to include property parcels within a city, town or village. It is not a survey map. Often the tax maps have this noted on the map in the borders.
This is not a SURVEY… This Map was prepared from Deeds & Surveys recorded
In the Town Clerk’s Office. The accuracy of this map is Determined by the filed information
Property Lines
This is a very common error that we come across because of past land surveys. This can be problematic for home owners who believe their property lines are somewhere where they aren’t. A land surveyor has to come in and correct this. Our company makes sure to stay up-to-date with new technology and practices in the industry. This is the most important factor before doing a survey.
Communication with the homeowner is critical. Not many home owners know specific terms about land surveying, so it’s very important that you communicate in Layman’s terms, so that they understand everything that goes into the survey and what you are doing. This will help the process run smoothly and let the owner bring up questions they have.
BLAZE Design Inc.
At BLAZE Design, David E. Spurr is a licensed land surveyor in Vermont and New York. He has over 30 years of combined surveying experience in both the military and in the private sector. He has expertise in boundary and subdivision surveys, residential and commercial planning development, and site planning.
Contact BLAZE Design at 802-442-2892 for more information on how we can help you with your land survey. We our proud of the amount of experience and expertise in this field.